Sanahin Monastery

Described as an outstanding example of Armenian medieval religious architecture, the 10th-century monastic complex of Sanahin is located in the village of the same name just above the city of Alaverdi. It is believed that the site was a center of worship from as early as the 4th century. But the oldest church of the monastery, the Church of Virgin Mary, was built in the first half of the 10th century, during the reign of King Abas I Bagratuni.

According to the legend, the name of the monastery of Sanahin is a result of a quarrel that arose between the master architect and his son during the construction of the complex. It is said that a prince from Sanahin hired a renowned architect to build a monastery. The architect began the construction together with his son, but as they carried on with their work, a conflict arose between them. The son abandoned his father and left Sanahin.

On the way, he crossed paths with another prince who hired him to build a church. And so the old master’s son started his work. As the walls of the church were growing taller, they soon became visible from Sanahin. His father, noticing the construction, decided to visit the site. Upon seeing his son, the old master asked, “What are you building?” “The wall of victory,” the son answered. His father then pointed at the church he was building and said, “Remember that that one is older than this.” This phrase in Armenian is “Sa nranic hin eh.” Thus, the monastery became known as Sanahin.

Quick Info

Religious site
When to go
All year round
51 km (from Vanadzor)
How to reach
By car
Sanahin's arcade galleries

What's Nearby

Kayan Fortress (11.8 km)
Sanahin Old Bridge (7.2 km)
Mikoyan Brothers Museum (700 m)
Haghpat Monastery (15.2 km)
Odzun Basilica (14.8 km)
Alaverdi Art Gallery (6.4 km)

The main church of the Sanahin monastery, the Cathedral of Holy Redeemer, was built in 966 by King Ashot the Merciful and Queen Khosrovanush in honor of their sons Kiurike and Smbat. The royal family also founded a congregation and a religious school here, inviting clerics, highly educated archimandrites, and scribes to settle at Sanahin. The monastery soon became the residence of the diocese of the Kiurikian Kingdom, which resulted in the rapid growth of the complex.

Today, Sanahin monastery consists of the Church of Virgin Mary (between 928 and 944) and the Cathedral of Holy Redeemer (completed in 966), each with its own narthex (build in 1211 and 1181 respectively), the academy (constructed in the end of the 10th and the beginning of the 11th century), the belfry (completed in 1235), and the book depository (erected in 1063). Other structures include the Kiurikian and Zakarian sepulchers, the 10th-century St. Gregory chapel, the refectory, etc.

The seminary, or the academy of Sanahin, is especially noteworthy. Set in the gallery of the narthex of the Church of Virgin Mary, it is a unique example of civil architecture. The building features niches in the walls that are set close to each other, likely used as seats by learners during the lessons. Sanahin’s academy was a major center or learning, where besides theology they taught many other subjects, such as philosophy, calligraphy, medicine, rhetoric, music, calendar science, etc. The most prominent of Sanahin’s teachers was the Armenian philosopher and scientist Grigor Magistros Pahlavuni․ In his “Letters,” Grigor Magistros provided valuable information on the political and religious issues of his time, as well as expressed his thoughts and ideas on biology, astronomy, theory of music, aesthetics, literature, mythology, medicine, and natural sciences.

Together with the nearby Haghpat monastery, the monastic complex of Sanahin was included in the UNESCO World Heritage list as a fine example of a combination of traditional Armenian architecture and ecclesiastical Byzantine architecture.

Kayan Fortress

An important bastion protecting the monastery of Haghpat and the surrounding villages, the Kayan Fortress (known as Kayanberd, or Aknaberd) is situated on a sheer cliff between the villages of Akner and Haghpat, rising high above the Debed canyon.

The deep gorges on the three sides of the cliff provide natural protection to the Kayan Fortress, which was additionally reinforced with mighty defensive walls and about 15 towers. Stretching for about 120 meters, the fortress is accessible from the southern end only; from here, a trail runs to the village of Haghpat along the side of the gorge and over River Sherek.

Ruins of several buildings and remains of pools and clay pipes that provided the fortress with water are found on the site. Kayan Fortress is also home to the St. Astvatsatsin (Holy Mother of God) church, also known as Dsevank.

Quick Info

Historical site
When to go
April - November
54 km (from Vanadzor)
How to reach
By foot only
Church of Mother Mary

What's Nearby

Haghpat Monastery (3.5 km)
Zarni-Parni Caves (2.5 km)
Akhtala Monastery (13 km)
Sanahin Monastery (11.5 km)
Mikoyan Brothers Museum (11.3 km)
Alaverdi Art Gallery (5.7 km)

An inscription above the entrance to the church that contains information on the construction of the site states that the fortress and the church were built in 1233 by the abbot of Haghpat monastery, Bishop Hovhannes, the son of the sister of the princes Ivaneh and Zakareh Zakarians.

Kayan Fortress was an important foothold in medieval Armenia. Thanks to its elevated location, the fortress was overlooking the surrounding canyons, and soldiers stationed here were able to easily detect approaching enemies, and warn the villages and, most importantly, the Haghpat monastery, of the dangers. The fortress was eventually destroyed in 1241 during the Mongol invasions of Armenia.

Haghpat Monastery

A masterpiece of Armenian religious architecture, the UNESCO World Heritage site Haghpat monastery represents a unique fusion of traditional architecture of the region and the ecclesiastical architecture of the Byzantine Empire. The monastery was founded in 976 AD by King Ashot the Merciful and his wife Queen Khosrovanush who commissioned the construction of the oldest church of the complex, St. Nshan (Holy Sign), in honor of their sons Smbat and Kiurike.

Local lore has it that Haghpat owes its name to the quarrel between a father and son during the construction of the nearby Sanahin monastery. One of the princes of Sanahin invited a renowned master to build a monastery. The master had brought his son with him, but as the construction of the monastery commenced, a conflict arose between them. The son abandoned his father and left Sanahin.

On the way, he crossed paths with another prince who hired him to build another monastery. As he carried on with the construction, his father’s apprentices noticed the walls rising on the opposite mountain. The old master decided to visit the construction site. He examined the walls carefully and proclaimed: “Akh pat” (strong wall). Thus, the monastery became known as Haghpat. Another legend claims that “haghpat” means “hater of evil,” explaining that in a place where a monastery, a sacred place, is built there can be no evil.

Quick Info

Religious site
When to go
All year round
56 km (from Vanadzor)
How to reach
By car
All-Savior cross-stone

What's Nearby

Kayan Fortress (3.5 km)
Akhtala Monastery and Fortress (17.6 km)
Zarni-Parni Caves (3.5 km)
Sanahin monastery (15.4 km)
Sanahin Old Bridge (8.5 km)
Alaverdi Art Gallery (9.2 km)

Today, the monastery of Haghpat consists of the St. Nshan church and its narthex, the church of St. Gregory (built in 1023-1025), the church of Mother Mary (erected in 1208-1220), a sepulcher, an 11th-century book depository, a belfry built in 1245, and a refectory that could accommodate about 270 monks.

The entire complex is surrounded by defensive walls dating back to 10th-11th centuries. A major religious, cultural, scientific, and educational center of medieval Armenia, Haghpat monastery was renowned for the manuscripts and miniatures created here.

Many famous scholars taught at the Haghpat monastery, including Grigor Magistros, a linguist and philosopher, and Hovhannes Sargavan who reformed the Armenian calendar and authored a number of scientific works on mathematics, theology, medicine, etc. In its golden age, there were over 500 monks at the monastery.

Haghpat was also known for its large collection of works written in Armenian language, becoming the first Armenian Matenadaran, library of manuscripts.

Art and culture in Armenia in the beginning of the 13th century were rapidly developing. It was mainly a result of the peaceful period that came with the liberation of Armenia from the Seljuk Turks in the late 12th century by the Zakarian princes. Many new manuscripts and illustrated gospels were created during this period, one of the prominent examples being the Haghpat Gospel.

It was created in 1211 AD in Haghpat monastery and later illustrated in the city of Ani by the painter Margare. What makes this gospel special is the unique style of its illustrations and miniatures. Along with the strict traditions of gospel illustrations of medieval Armenia, Haghpat Gospel features personal, everyday life, secular scenes of men and women in traditional dressings, priests, representatives of both the upper and lower classes.

Today, this gospel is displayed at the Matenadaran museum of ancient manuscripts in Yerevan.

Another unique treasure of the Haghpat monastery is the Amenaprkich (All Savior) khachkar created in 1273 by a master called Vahram. Very few khachkars of this style have survived in Armenia. The central object of the khachkar is a beautifully carved cross in the center of the stone. Contrary to the more common cross-stones, All Savior khachkars depict the scene of crucifixion.

The elaborately carved All Savior cross-stone of Haghpat depicts Jesus on the cross, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene, the 12 apostles of Christ, and figures of angels. The surface of the khachkar is colored with “vordan karmir,” a red dye made of an insect called Armenian cochineal. Another All Savior khachkar created by master Vahram can be found at the old cemetery of the village of Dsegh.

In 1996, the monastery of Haghpat and the nearby Sanahin monastery were included in the UNESCO World Heritage list as masterpieces of religious architecture and major education centers in the Middle Ages.