Home to rich nature and wildlife, the Dsegh community of the Lori province is one of Armenia’s Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas identified by BirdLife International as being habituated by one or more globally threatened bird species. This makes Dsegh a dream destination for ornithologists and birdwatchers. Griffon vultures, bearded vultures, Egyptian vultures, booted eagles, long-legged buzzards, European honey buzzards, and other species are found in the area.

In 2015, by the joint efforts of UNDP/GEF Small Grants Programme, the Rhone Alpes Regional Council in France, SVS BirdLife Switzerland, and the Armenian Society for the Protection of Birds, the Nature Visitor Center opened in the village.

The center provides visitors with information on the local flora and fauna. Travelers can see replicas of the landscapes surrounding Dsegh or take part in challenging quizzes to find out more about nature’s basic patterns.

The Nature Visitor Center aims to boost ecotourism and economy in the community, while also serving as an education hub for local youth and a base for organizing birdwatching tours and other outdoor activities.

+374 60 657441 | dseghcenter@gmail.com | Facebook

Birds spotted in the area

Common chaffinch
Eurasian bullfinch
Common buzzard
Long-legged buzzard
Song thrush
Northern wheatear
Great spotted woodpecker
Red-backed shrike
European goldfinch